Filters: Author is Christos P. Tsekrekos [Clear All Filters]
"Design considerations for a transparent mode group diversity multiplexing link",
IEEE Phot. Tech. Let., vol. 18, no. 22, pp. 2359–2361, 15 November, 2006.
"Temporal stability of a transparent mode group diversity multiplexing link",
IEEE Phot. Tech. Let., vol. 18, no. 23, pp. 2484–2486, 1 December, 2006.
"An experimental investigation of the mode group diversity multiplexing technique",
Proc. IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter (Mons, Belgium), pp. 161–164, 2005.
"A first demonstrator for a Mode Group Diversity Multiplexing communication system",
Proc. IEE Seminar on Opt. Fibre Comm. and Electron. Signal Proc. (London, UK), pp. 16/1–16/5, 2005.
"Mode group diversity multiplexing transceiver design for graded-index multimode fibres",
Proc. 2005 Eur. Conf. Opt. (ECOC 05; Glasgow, UK), pp. We4P 113, 2005.